by Daglar Cizmeci | Sep 15, 2021 | Tech
Today, rapidly developing technology has given rise to a series of exciting acronyms that carry a special level of significance for an array of industries. Augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) have grown exponentially over the past...
by Daglar Cizmeci | Sep 15, 2021 | Tech
You probably already come across and interacted with Virtual Reality’s cousin – Augmented Reality (AR) in your daily life. Sometimes without even realising it. Filters on Snapchat and Instagram, the ‘try before you buy’ trend offered by a number of retailers and...
by Daglar Cizmeci | Sep 15, 2021 | Tech
We’ve all had some form of exposure to the world of augmented reality. The layering of computer-generated content over real-world environments is nothing brand new. Yet, AR for business has transformed the technology from a novelty entertainment concept to an...
by Daglar Cizmeci | Sep 15, 2021 | Tech
Interest in augmented reality (AR) has exploded as software designers and entrepreneurs explore its business relevance. To date, AR has played a role in workforce enablement, customer experience and interaction as well as a host of behind the scenes business...
by Daglar Cizmeci | Sep 15, 2021 | Tech
It’s safe to say that reality technology has caused quite a stir in recent years. Whether you’re unwinding with a video game, shopping for clothes, or taking on some hands-on training, the likes of virtual reality and augmented reality are already beginning to make...
by Daglar Cizmeci | Sep 15, 2021 | Tech
Education has always been the prerequisite for a thriving society. The transfer of knowledge and skills to and from people has remained to be a top priority for primitive human tribes, ancient civilizations, and modern society. Successful learning strategies have...
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